Sweet pics
Here are pictures from the past few weeks...Rio, Sao Paulo, Foz de Iguacu, and Puerto Iguazu. Right now we're settling into our apartment in Buenos Aires and getting to know our neighborhood. We love our apartment and so far the city and our neighborhood seem great. We visited Eva Peron's burial site today and tonight we're going out for sushi in the "Soho" part of the city. As the real estate agent told us, they're not very creative. They also have a "Hollywood." We have a phone so if anyone is absolutely dying to make an expensive long-distance phone call, let me know.
Our apartment in Rio

Rio's botanical garden

Brett's Japanese garden where he called the12 yr old a fat cow..there's his fountain in the back

Lake near the center of the city

Cafe on the lake

Check out the guy takin a snoozer behind brett

Aerial view of the lake from Cristo Redentor

Cristo Redentor

The mountain on the left is Pao de Acucar (sugar loaf mountain)

Mmmm..Rio sushi

Copacabana Palace

Copacabana beach

Wild looking cathedral in downtown Rio

SAO PAULO We don't have too many pictures from Sao Paulo because well, there wasn't much to see.
Department of Education building where students were rioting

Creepy twin bible fanatics

Cathedral in Praca de Se that seats thousands

Itaipu Dam (and Brett's bday)


Biological Refuge (that's the largest rodent in the world)

Foz de Iguacu (Brazilian side of the falls)

That lovely walk in-between borders

Falls on the Argentina side

You could take a boat out to an island in the national park called Isla de San Martin to get closer to some of the falls. There are signs on the small beach that say NO SWIMMING but of course, the dirty hippy travelers go on in in their underwear.

La Garganta del Diablo (Devil's throat)

Our apartment in Rio

Rio's botanical garden

Brett's Japanese garden where he called the12 yr old a fat cow..there's his fountain in the back

Lake near the center of the city

Cafe on the lake

Check out the guy takin a snoozer behind brett

Aerial view of the lake from Cristo Redentor

Cristo Redentor

The mountain on the left is Pao de Acucar (sugar loaf mountain)

Mmmm..Rio sushi

Copacabana Palace

Copacabana beach

Wild looking cathedral in downtown Rio

SAO PAULO We don't have too many pictures from Sao Paulo because well, there wasn't much to see.
Department of Education building where students were rioting

Creepy twin bible fanatics

Cathedral in Praca de Se that seats thousands

Itaipu Dam (and Brett's bday)


Biological Refuge (that's the largest rodent in the world)

Foz de Iguacu (Brazilian side of the falls)

That lovely walk in-between borders

Falls on the Argentina side

You could take a boat out to an island in the national park called Isla de San Martin to get closer to some of the falls. There are signs on the small beach that say NO SWIMMING but of course, the dirty hippy travelers go on in in their underwear.

La Garganta del Diablo (Devil's throat)

At 12:05 AM,
kit said…
Have you seen a million of those arms open wide jesus statues. I swear every city I went to had one, taunting me to do the S.A. soccer airplane dance around him.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice ones. I like how all your pictures are of you guys alone. It's like seeing my parents' vacation pictures.
You guys are old.
At 11:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Brett wants to meet people while we're here in BA...of course I could care less. People are the worst.
At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
So how warm is it going to be when I come visit on the 26th? I need to know what to pack.
I got the cash, and the time off. We are buying the tickets tomorrow.
Who wants to watch our cats? Munchie, Jesslyn, looking your direction. We have cable...
At 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
KB, just bring a machete, a bull whip, and a six-gun. you can handle anything if you have those items. indana jones movies taught me that.
At 2:07 PM,
Jeff Schneider said…
Come on you forgot the most important part. The part that will leave any enemy in fright. A sweet leather hat. I suggest you both start wearing leather hats if your ever going to be able to get "off the trail" and move away from that tourist crap.
ps I have the plaugue so my judgement may be a little off you eat plates off of food right?
At 5:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe no one's said anything about the rodent's massive balls. They're gross.
At 1:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh, i thought those were just huge beef flaps.
At 5:16 PM,
Bishai said…
that guy taking a snoozer is priceless. awesome pics.
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