Travelling Spants

Friday, February 03, 2006

Lions and tigers and bears

Well i started this post a while ago and havent had the time/patience to finish it. it takes forever to upload the pictures to the blog. Right now (sunday night) we're in our first beach town in brazil called Jericoacoara. Its beautiful and id have to say ive never been to a place quite like it. i guess, according to brett, if youve been to the beaches of the caribbean, its similar...except without the abundance of tourists. the roads are all made of sand, we're surrounded by huge sand dunes and the water is clear and warm. ill post pics of all this soon as well. we're thinking of staying here for about a week which would be the longest we've stayed in a place since we gotten here. We have the time for the next couple weeks or so to take our time because our next committment is carnaval and that doesnt start til the 24th. ok, so here are the pics from our amazon trip. i have a couple of good pictures that i didnt upload because of technical difficulties so ill try to at a later time...

Nope. Boas, sloths, and gators! We just got back from our mini amazon excursion. It was a treat.
Day one: Meeting of the waters (where two rivers become the Amazon river), Piranha fishing and alligator spotting. Brett and a frenchy were the only ones to catch one.

Not a very good pic because the piranha wouldnt stop flopping around
here it is again
little gator and me
Day 2: walk in the jungle and canoe paddling through a floating forest full of insects
On the way to where we were to start our walk, our guides spotted a 3-toed sloth and a boa constrictor in the trees. There were 3 norwegians in our group and were extremely adamant about catching a piranha so our guide let us go out alone to try again.....then i was the only one to catch one. ha ha. of course we didnt have a camera. americans - 2 norwegians - 0. Later that night, our guide took us to hang with some locals.
3-toed sloth! one of the guides saw him at the top of a tree and when he tried to get him down, the sloth fell in the water
most unique/bizarre animal ive ever seen up close
he moved hilariously slow as the name implies

Outer shell of a spider that was shed and left in a tree
Played pool with some locals..these kids were little hustlers!
Floating camp
Day 3: We were supposed to get up at 530 and watch the sunrise. That didnt happen. Ate breakfast then visited this old couple at their house.
I chased some ducks. There should be some more pictures but i dont have the cd write now an im sick of saving this post as a draft. ill post more pictures when i have time.


  • At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Looks awesome. Did you guys let the lil gators bite your nipples like Steve-0?

  • At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    if i was merlin i'd turn myself into a sloth and do it with a sloth, just to see what it's like.

  • At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    anonymous, you're a filthy pervert.

  • At 7:57 PM, Blogger thealphafelines said…

    How is it possible to give birth to two 7 year old boys in the month that you've been gone?

  • At 3:30 AM, Blogger Bishai said…

    ..and not just any 7 year olds, but ones who apparently just played a mean game of flippies. (judging from population of cans on the table in the background).


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